Mar 8Liked by Peta Kelly

God spoke to me right through these nourishing words you have gifted us. WOW……the feelings I have that I’ve been unable to speak were just beautifully articulated by God through you. Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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So beautifully relatable. And I whole heartedly agree. I feel so seen in the disordered eating behaviors, and also so seen in the freedom that I now have around food. I never thought I would be able to stop counting calories or have a piece of cake without thinking I’d gain 5 pounds. Really. Now, there is so much freedom and I eat so much MORE and my body is more fit and well than it ever was. What a trip. My heart goes out with so much love and tenderness to that version of me who was clearly so unhappy

with her life. Thank you for this one🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Mar 6Liked by Peta Kelly

Mmm (closes eyes smiles towards the sun in joyful nourishment). So beautiful Peta <3. Thank you so much for sharing these words...they land straight in my heart. Deep nourishment and resonance on the piece on god. I could taste those scrumptious buns...and just as I read I am sitting at my favorite bakery where I had the moment decision of freshly baked croissants and the realization I don't actually want them today. Without any harshness...just honesty. Big love to you and your sweet fam xx

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Being free to eat a thing and free NOT to, I needed this reminder, thank you.

My ‘healed’ eating patterns (that’s a thing I know you know!) have been ricocheting all over the place and this feels like the anchor I needed to come home - I am free not to 🙏

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"I don’t believe that celery juice, bone broth or glutathione has more power than our psyche. I believe that food is medicine, 100%, but that our psyche needs to support the vitality we want to experience." This really points at our relationship with aliveness and vitality as something of deeper relationality with reality. We keep forgetting what's it all about. Beautiful and liberating words, Peta!

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Absolutely adored this. Thank you 💙

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Preach Sister! Love ALL of this! Thank you!!

(The sheath of the hot cross buns…🤣 yes please!)

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Drooling for hot cross buns now !

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