Thank you so much for bringing this convo, sisters! I got so much out of it. ♥️

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SO glad Ellen :) xX

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Mar 25Liked by Peta Kelly

Well well ... lots coming up. For starters, the first time you mentioned German New Medicine a year or so ago, I knew intuitively that it was something I was going to learn much more about. Today as I was listening to this on my laptop, I noticed that I had a lot of tabs opened so I went to close some. I clicked on the one with my online Scrabble game and when I looked at the game in progress, and my tiles (letters) at the bottom, they said GERMANY lol so I knew it was time to sign up. In case the universe wasn't clear, my husband then called a few seconds later, so I paused your podcost, and when I asked him what was up for him this week (I am in Exuma, Bahamas and he is back in Canada), he said "I have to go to Ottawa this week to meet a potential client from Germany." So I am going to sign up for the GNM course. Reflections on eating. As I have touched on before which I know resonates with you, when you go through childhood trauma and Dad leaving, I was left with a desperate need to get everything right. As if I had gotten things right when I was little, he wouldn't have left. Part of that is adhering strictly to programs (eating programs, supplement protocols from my Naturopath etc.) which makes me get great results as I am consistent (and told I am a star patient), but the inherent rigidity that comes with that makes deviating from the eating plan for intuitive eating difficult. I battle sometimes between wanting to eat something with the joy of reckless abandon, but can't without feeling I failed or "fell off" my plan. It's really a challenge because it is one of my strong suits, but it comes at a cost.

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PS Bo also just to say I so see you in the 'need to get everything right' after the departure of a parent from the home. We share that. The fear of NOT getting it right. Solidarity my friend. X

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It is so deeply imbedded in who I am, it feels unnerving to not do it.

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WOW RE Germany. Bo, I know exactly how that feels. I pray you get FULL freedom from that to and fro and settle into an entirely new relationship with food-- peace at last. I am so excited for you. please keep me posted XX

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Loved this conversation! Growing up in Lithuania, there was so much natural basic food, so coming to western Europe (UK, and even Germany) felt like going to US in terms of sugars, breads, etc!

I've been living in Germany for 4.5 years and it's the first time I hear about GNM. I can see how much trauma can impact our relationship to food and vitality, but had no idea the psyche could "take a snapshot" of stress and associate it with specific food to this degree! Also thank you for the example with the lung and bowel cancer as my grandmother had it and she was affected by war and her family was exiled to work camps in Siberia. She never smoked in her life and was relatively healthy woman, but we always knew it was related to early childhood trauma.

Thank you again and looking forwards for more! X

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So glad it helped gorge! I'd love to go and experience Eastern Europe food culture-- I haven't yet, but I imagine it's at least a little similar to northern Italy... which is such a nourishing food culture. That is hardcore about your grandmother. It's amazing and also sad how it lives on in our bodies. Bless her soul XX

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Incredible conversation. I could listen to all the rabbit holes! Just coming back from a long trip with my husband and the kids (5 months & almost 3 years old) in Colombia and had so many similarities with Nellie’s travel experience. Indulging on amazing food to coming back home and dealing with stomach pains and difficult digestion. Some stressful travel getting back home and runny noses afterwards.

Also on the motherhood tangents… This gave me so much license to step into my authority of guiding the health and wellbeing of my children and family.

It often feels like a losing battle of logic and proof with my husband if I try to convince him with evidence to back up my intuition. Creating a conducive environment and modeling it is so much more effective and allows the results to speak for themselves. The best part is when he is awestruck by what was seemingly “counterintuitive” to him at first.

Thank you for leading this way of living, Peta.

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Thank you, Peta. I am excited to dive in!

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