Does God give hints about the true nature of disease and healing in The Bible?
What hit me as I read to my kids last night.
I share these ideas and musings not to convince anyone but to document my joyful exploration, piecing together of dots, and the spine tingling moments where I feel God is not just hinting, but clarifying and liberating us from oppressive and faulty belief systems that are keeping people sick and afraid.
Read right through to the end where I talk about what really came alive for me last night as I read The Book Of Luke to my kids.
First, some context.
Do you ever wonder things like, ‘how come some people in a family will get sick and others won’t?, or ‘how come that man who smokes and drinks and eats crappy food lived to be 102?’
If you’ve read my work for any amount of time you’d know that I don’t have conventional views about health and illness.
I believe God created us and our bodies/minds/spirits with immense love, and such miraculous intelligence that we will never even scrape the sides of understanding it.
I don’t believe in the contagion or germ theories as they’ve been presented to us.
I believe in vitalism, that the spirit that animates our bodies holds the secrets to our vitality and also our illnesses (amongst many other things).
I believe in terrain theory and that each body will respond differently even to the same ‘threat’ depending on their resilience and susceptibility.
I believe that symptoms are our bodies way of expressing distortions in our vital force, that we ‘get what we need’ with regards to symptoms, that our body is ALWAYS working to restore balance in us, and that the loving wisdom and intelligence of which we were designed is underestimated and misunderstood by much of modern medicine.
I recognise nuance and know that I’ll probably change my mind on some things as I discover more, but that’s a brief snapshot of where I’m at now.
I’m embarrassed to admit though that it was only this year that I made the connection between the term pasteurisation and Louis Pasteur— the father of the germ theory. How did I not put the PASTEUR in PASTEURisation? Like my brother says, I can do really hard things with ease but sometimes I’m a total numpty with the easy things.
Pasteur was the one who decided that milk be pasteurised to remove bacteria— hence the term. Makes sense right?
Yes. But when you dig in, you might learn like I did— that the work of Louis Pasteur was often faulty, unethical and fraudulent. This is pretty big, considering that most all of mainstream lifestyle medicine is based on his theories and that these theories are used to encourage mask wearing and social distancing.
It’s claimed that on his death bed, Pasteur admitted his flawed theory stating that “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything”. I don’t use that statement as the basis of my understanding as I wasn’t there and they didn’t have iPhone proof in 1895. But it’s an interesting part of the story.
One of the best books I’ve read on the topic is ‘The Truth About Contagion’, by Thomas S. Cown, MD and Sally Fallon Morell (yes, the Sally Fallon who wrote Nourishing Traditions) which lays it all out very simply.
Others include ‘Can You Catch A Cold’ by Daniel Roytas and ‘What Really Makes You Ill?” By Dawn Lester and David Parker.
These are PACKED with references. I’ve included two articles here too.
"Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day"
"Louis Pasteur, Unchecked Fraud: The Unscientific Origins Of Germ Theory"
This is not what I came here to write about though…
I’ve been on a journey of understanding the spiritual, mental and emotional roots of illness for many years— I suppose as a natural follow on from my years of science and research? I wanna know the truth. What I’ve learned is that not everyone does. Sometimes the truth is too confronting. It upheaves everything we’ve built our belief systems on. Who are we if we are not bound by that anymore? My friend Nellie always says that to understand health, you need to unlearn basically everything you’ve been told. I completely understand that sometimes this is too rattling for some and liberating for others. I also acknowledge that there remains nuance in it all.
My exploration from a mechanical approach to wellness to a more holistic one began not when I started cleansing, and addressing stress etc, but when I personally started noticing in myself that health was so much more than this.
As someone who lived many years obsessed with wellness and my body, I first started noticing that there was so much more to food than food— that my mental and emotional state influenced how I digested food, and that the alignment of my life influenced my weight.
I could eat a supremely clean diet and exercise perfectly yet be doing work I absolutely hated, or in a misaligned relationship and be super bloated and inflamed.
On the flip, there were times I could eat whatever I wanted and feel light and easeful while being far less rigid with my regime. It wasn’t the food, it was the girl who was eating it and her mental, spiritual and emotional state.
I’ve written about this before and have documented a lot of it. It’s all intended for my book titled ‘Body Luxury’ (God give me the discipline to get it done).
When I read this verse in The Bible, it clarified so much for me. As a woman who was pedantic in many ways when it came to food and health, it freed me. It reoriented me. It reminded me of the loving wisdom that sustained me everyday.
Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV):
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
This verse for me felt like God saying this:
You are not meant to use your precious life obsessing over food, or appearance. Do you trust how magnificently I designed you? Do you know of the inbuilt resilience? Do you think your health is as shallow and fragile as being afraid to eat a bread roll? I didn’t create you, with your uniqueness and gifts, to obsess over what will fuel you. Food is meant to nourish your vessel so you can DO GOD’S WORK. Obsessing over food is not meant to become life’s work. The problem is not the food, the problem is the spirit. Correct that and watch the vitality and order return.
This is the big thing about our big God— He is all about order. He created us with the same order in which He operates. Our spirit animates our body, so wouldn’t it make sense that the spirit , the vital force then is central to our health?
That Matthew verse has since been an anchor for me.
For me it is a pure dose of freedom and rest. A breath out. A loving Father allowing rest for His determined children.
It is this love which is at the centre of my health philosophy.
Of course though with a grain of discernment we know that this doesn’t mean we don’t tend to our bodies, our health and be mindful with what we consume. It means we don’t let all of THAT, consume US.
There are many Bible verses which go along with this one, to essentially shape my entire philosophy, which is set your standard, and then relax.
These posts are from May (my instagram ).
Here are a few solid words from God.
Our bodies house the Holy Spirit! This is EPIC!!
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Don’t be a glutton. Straightforward!
"Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."
Proverbs 23:20-21
Physical health and spiritual health go hand in hand.
"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."
3 John 1:2
Self control is life giving.
"No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:27
We should never become complacent with the miracle of the body, or with the food God provides for us.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
Caring for our bodies is an act of worship
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."
Romans 12:1
This then lead me to the knowledge of German New Medicine (GNM)— which suggests that physical illnesses are directly connected to unresolved emotional shocks or conflicts. It was developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and is based on the idea that the mind, body, and brain are deeply intertwined in how we experience and process stress.
GNM acknowledges that symptoms aren’t just random. They are each the result of specific biological program corresponding to a specific conflict. For example, a separation conflict for a mother could result in mastitis in her breast— the conflict is “my baby is ripped from my breast”. This could happen when a mum goes back to work, or after a traumatic birth or in another instance of separation.
The same separation conflict in a baby or child corresponds to skin issues. When a separation conflict is resolved in young children, it will result in a rash breaking out. I think this is very interesting when thinking of all the rashes that break out at daycare centres— where young children are separated from their mothers in the early days when biologically, mothers and babies are meant to be together. This is NOT to throw shade at all, but to state the fact that we are governed by biological principles which were designed for our survival. They are not a political statement nor can they bend to one— they make SENSE. Of course there will be biological consequences if a mother and baby are separated! It’s one of the most important connections there is!
(Side note, if you want to dig into German New Medicine, one of my good friend and long time expert has a course you can do as a self study— I was the first person to buy the course several years ago! I have a discount for you too).
So, from GNM I continued the journey and started digging into homeopathy. Not just ‘have some arnica’ homeopathy but ‘all diseases originate from distortions in the vital force’ homeopathy. Despite being a very casual student of homeopathy for a few years, this year I became a formal one. In my weekly deep dives I am learning that the roots of all diseases begin with distortions in our vital force— and that these ‘assaults’ or ‘distortions’ can be inherited.
Ok, this is still not what I came here to write about.
Where I really come alive is in the liberation that is intended when we truly understand our bodies, how they interact with nature, and also the role our relationship with God has on disease and healing.
This is why understanding the importance of biological femininity and biological masculinity is so important to health. We can try and live hyper masculine lives as women, but never without consequences. The same goes in vice versa with men. We cannot outsmart the intelligence, love and wisdom of which we were created.
When you see the world from say, the lens of a more holistic understanding of health and illness, you start to see evidence of it everywhere. Conversations like ‘we better not come close, my kid is snotty’ make little sense anymore. You lose the fear. You know that. You’ll get a snotty nose if your body needs to, and that if you do, that mucus is doing a job. A cold isn’t something to get rid of, and definitely not something to suppress. Did God intend for us to fear our own body and believe it was fighting against us? I struggle to believe so.
Now THIS is what I came to write about…
Last night while reading The Book Of Luke (Bible) to my kids, I read words I’d read many times before. This time, they came alive for me in a new way. You ever feel like God is holding a highlighter and making words on a page POP so that they’ll hit you in a new way?
I read them out loud and felt like God was saying “SEE?!”
When the paralyzed man is being lowered through the roof for healing, Jesus says two things:
1 . Your faith has made you well.
2. Your sins are forgiven.
Now I’m going to share my interpretations of these through the lens of understanding deeper truths about health and illness.
Your Faith has made you well.
Jesus says this so many times in The Bible and I’ve listed others at the end of this entry.
Here’s what screams inside me when I read Jesus say this as he is healing.
1. Your connection to, and remembrance of your Creator reorders your vitality and HEALS.
2 Your BELIEF in your bodies SELF HEALING MECHANISMS which were GOD GIVEN, and the CAPACITY FOR MIRACLES IN HEALTH, directly impact your body’s functions.
3. What you BELIEVE directly impacts your experience.
Your faith has made you well.
Jesus. The great physician. Pay attention to His words!
The second part.
Your sins are forgiven.
Jesus says this to the paralysed man.
The Pharisees then say to him (paraphrasing), “Why do you go on saying things like this when you don’t have authority to forgive sins? “ (They don’t know that Jesus is the son of God).
Jesus responds:
"Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”
Luke 5:23-24 (NIV)
The first and most important understanding here is that Jesus as the son of God has authority over nature, illness, sin and even religious traditions (Jesus was not religious, despite what most people think).
Secondly, and the one that hit me like a tonne of bricks (and connected the dots between The Bible, psycho-spiritual-somatic healing and German New Medicine) is this:
Jesus knows that the forgiveness is the healing.
The forgiveness is what frees the body of its ailments.
The restoration of health is what happens when the spirit is made right.
Jesus doesn’t see the paralysed man, cut him open and try to figure out why he is paralysed.
He knows. And He goes straight to the heart of it— forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a healing procedure.
Reconnection with GOD is healing— body and spirit.
What does the forgiveness of sin free in this paralysed man? What does it do to his psyche, and therefore his diseased body to know that God has FORGIVEN him?
How could our OWN forgiveness of others in our lives free them in their health?
How could our own forgiveness of ourselves free us in our health?
When you think about German New Medicine, and how healing occurs when we HEAL CONFLICTS…. Then we know that the miracle of the mind body spirit connection was always part of our design, and we are only just scratching the surface of understanding what Jesus always knew… as THE great physician.
What would this forgiveness do to so many other people walking God’s good earth right now who carry enormous shame, not knowing the liberating mercy of the gospel?
Forgiveness is a healing procedure.
The alleviation of chronic shame is freedom for the body.
True healing has to be a resolution at the level of GOD and in the ORDER of which He designed us— the vital force that animates our entire being, the crippling beliefs that keep us paralysed and sick. The body will then change.
This is a bold statement to make, but I believe it.
The root cause of everything is that we stray from God.
Women try to live like men, men try to live like women. There are consequences to everything in nature. Even if it’s not politically correct, it’s biologically correct.
God designed us as part of Himself, and so our healing can never be separate, nor can our vitality.
I believe God has given us things like Homeopathy and GNM as ways to understand His design better, and to free people from oppressive and fearful belief systems.
Homeopathy tends our vital force and is a true healing art. Correctly matched remedies work with the aim to tend the distortions gently and effectively with the goal ALWAYS being full cure.
GNM tends our psyche and the conflicts that keep us bound and repeating symptoms and illness— offering freedom when we can resolve them.
Prayer and worship ensure we never live separately to the love that made and sustains us— the wisdom that wakes us up everyday, that keeps our hearts beating without our instruction, that heals ours cuts on autopilot, that resolves many ailments without us even needing to know how, that turns liquids into urine while processing the waste, that forms poos from our food after extracting nutrients. I’m sorry, WHAT?!
Do you ever think about how when a woman becomes pregnant, immediately God’s divine design takes over the entire process. The mother does not instruct the growth of the toes and the organs. This is the same loving wisdom that sustains us.
We can never reduce our health to mechanics and materials (except of course in emergency situations).
Think about how arrogant and ignorant we have become to try and exclude the divinity that created life from the restoration of health.
Jesus came to Earth as the way, the truth and the life, to restore connection to God, to offer salvation to a troubled humanity, to liberate what was oppressed, and as the great physician and healer of all healers… He shows us truths about health too.
Love, PK. XX
Here are some goodies you may enjoy:
Homeopathic first aid kit (as well as Mums & Bubs) Use code BODYLUXURY10 for a 10% better price. Note this is for acute prescribing— chronic cases need to see a professional Homeopath.
GNM foundations course. Use code PKGNMLOVE for $111 off your self study program.
Intro to Homeopathy course (loaded also with lectures on Contagion theory).
Here are some extra verses where Jesus says both YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL and YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN <3
Mark 5:34
“Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”
Luke 17:19
“Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”
Mark 10:52
“Go your way; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.
Luke 7:48-50
“Then Jesus said to her, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ ... ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.’”
Mark 2:5
“When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’”
Luke 5:20
“When Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.’”
Matthew 9:2
“Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”
Love thiiiiis. As someone who is both a Christian and a huge hippie I love to see the integration of stuff like this. It’s rare (but it affirms my sense of things too!). Thank you for being you and for sharing with us xx
This is wow. Just wow. I’m blown away by how you connected all the dots. As a long time Christian and a natural health junkie this was a balm to my soul!