The year is 2025. Women will stop trying to biohack.
Instead, she’ll learn what it means to live biologically.
She’ll yield to life as a woman, rather than try to outsmart it.
Her supplement stash will grow smaller.
She will eat and live beautifully, and not obsessively.
She will understand the wisdom of her symptoms.
A naturally ordered vitality will return to her.
I am writing this piece like a journal entry.
Rough and raw. I am not referencing, all thought I could, because if I did, I wouldn’t get any writing done right now.
My husband had emergency appendix surgery a few days ago and so with him out of action, the kids on summer holidays, a new kitten (his name is Crumpet), my creative work has to find a way to fit in.
Which means, this piece is more of an opinion piece. But aren’t they all? Read with discernment, as always. You know the drill.
Without further ado:
Biohacking is out.
Biological living is in.
Biohacking is the most ridiculous concept, if you really think about it.
It’s another way we try to play God.
Optimising? Wonderful.
Caring for our bodies? Important.
But thinking we can outsmart nature and then continue to ‘do whatever we want without consequence’? Dumb.
Many of us long time wellness gals are guilty of believing that if we do all the right things— the right food, movement, supplements, practices our body will tick all the correct boxes for vitality.
Low tox products.
Avoid seed oils.
Strength train.
Lymph massage.
We understand how the toxic load influences our vibrance and hormones, and so we buy natural products instead of chemical ones, and sit in a sauna to rid our bodies of impurities and crapola like micro-plastics.
Long time wellness girlies and queens of the crunch do the right things.
Tick go the boxes.
But what is not spoken about enough is this.
You can do all the right things according to the latest wellness girlie checklist, but if you are living and working like a man, there are biological consequences.
You can’t cancel out these biological consequences by laying on a PEMF mat or getting your protein right. These things are all important and good, but they are all icing on the cake.
The cake is biological living.
Let’s take something practical and simple— our light diet.
Morning sun on the eyes.
As little blue light as possible in the evenings.
These two things alone are massive for female hormones and so much else too, including weight loss. Correct light is not a biohack. It is life as nature intended.
Wellness girlies often go through their days ticking off their wellness girlie ‘to do list’ but then scroll their phones late at night, absorbing copious amounts of blue light, messing with their circadian rhythm and melatonin production and wondering why their hormones are STILL messed up.
Personally, I’ve never had noticeable hormone or fertility issues and I thank God for this, but I was one of the wellness gals who did everything right during the day but scrolled at night, my eyes totally raw against a blaring blue light.
Light is one way we can support our biology that has nothing to do with food.
But when we go deeper into living biologically, we ask the question— how did God design women and men differently? How did He create our nature, our hormones, our bodily functions around this design?
This holds keys to our vitality.
The world is imperfect and fallen.
Ideals are not possible for most.
My mum was a single mum of 4 who didn’t have a second to scratch her butt let alone learn try to care about whether she was living biologically— she had to work, provide and put food on the table for us. I don’t write this stuff, ignorant of the real world.
Still, it helps to understand.
When I was in the network marketing world all those years ago, it was very common for the ambitious woman to become so financially successful that she would retire her husband. It’s a beautiful sentiment, and often it involved bringing the husband home from a job where he never saw the kids, so he could do something close to home. It was life changing in the best way, many times.
But there was another phenomenon happening too— couples were not prepared for how complicating it was for the marriage dynamic for the woman to become the financial provider.
Often the man felt displaced, purposeless and depressed. Despite ‘having it all’, and despite all this freedom to do whatever. Their family didn’t need them to provide financially anymore. Imagine the conflict for a man in this scenario.
The conflicts around this situation are each correlated to a biological program.
German New Medicine explains each and every one— for instance, the emasculation conflict is corresponds to the Pancreas. I’ll let you go further with that as you will.
Women felt initially empowered, but sometimes grew to feel resentful and felt less and less attraction towards their husband.
There are different conflicts that could arise in a woman’s biology in this case.
The message I will sing loudly today is this:
We can do and be anything we want in this world— but there are biological consequences.
Men are designed biologically to provide.
Men need the pressure to provide, the purpose that comes from it.
Women are not designed biologically for this same role, but with equally as important roles for the family and society.
As I said though, not only do we live in a fallen world with poverty, crappy economies and more which requires people to do what they have to do…. We also live in a world where we are told we can do and be anything. Women out-earn their husbands and wonder why they no longer find them attractive.
We can do and be anything, but there are biological consequences.
Regardless of whether we choose to, or whether we have to—
Our vitality is affected by the ways in which we consistently compete with our biology.
I notice in the wellness world, that hormone health is a huge topic.
I see so many well resourced women who can afford any kind of treatment, who eat organic, and do all the things…
But they’re hustling like men do.
Society told her she can, and she should.
Don’t have kids, they said.
Or have kids, and separate from them in the early years so you can hustle, they said.
We can do whatever we want, but there are biological consequences.
Separating from our children in the early years has consequences for both mum and child.
German New Medicine explains a lot about the separation conflict in both baby and mum. I’ve written about it before but feel free to research for yourself.
I’m not judging a women’s choices— I know sometimes a woman is between a rock and a hard place.
I’m not talking here to the mum, who like my own, were so deep in survival mode that all that mattered was feeding her children.
I’m talking to the women who are biting on the lie that we can do and be anything without consequence— the women who may be perplexed at why they don’t feel as vital as they should considering how ‘good’ they are at all the wellness things.
We can do and be anything— but with consequence.
I know the child-free thing is so big now and I definitely agree not everyone is destined to become a parent, nor is it right for everyone. God gave us free will.
(I know some women who are child-free and the most amazing ‘mother figures’ to the children in their lives).
And I also wonder, if more women understood the vitality that comes from fulfilling this big part of our design, if we’d still want to intentionally swerve the thing that is most inherently biological for a woman— child bearing, child raising, child loving.
1 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)
”But women will be saved through childbearing— if hey continue in faith, love, and holiness with propriety.”
(I have a lot of thoughts about how ‘women will be saved through childbearing’ has both spiritual and physical implications for vitality, for another time).
The same goes for marriage.
It took a lot for me to surrender to marriage. Truly.
My mum and dad divorced when I was very young.
I didn’t change my name right away when I got married because I was determined not to yield to traditional marriage in any way.
I resisted letting my husband pay— something he has told me was very frustrating for him (in his male desire to provide).
All of it.
I have had to work and fight my own prejudices so that I can live more biologically.
I have had to slowly over the years, help my nervous system learn safety in ways that challenged every part of my belief system. Slowly, as my biology spoke truths to me, my belief system had no choice but to yield, and change— towards truth.
Before I returned home to God (the Father), and started following Jesus (not cultural christianity, I will clarify)— my biology was already guiding me home.
Once my husband and I hit rock bottom in the end of 2021, God answered my prayers by reorienting our marriage towards a more correct and vital order.
Because there is an order.
This order brings peace and vitality.
I was at home with my very young kids so only working a little bit anyway, just on my creative projects… but I stopped doing so as a way to ‘keep up’, ‘just in case’ anything happened. You know what I mean.
I melted deeper than ever into my role as mum without the ‘but I am ALSO this’. I was always a stay at home mum, but I was racy inside before. I was married while fighting against it at the same time out of fear, out of a survival mode that was in there.
Over the years, I slowly reoriented myself— I allowed God to reorient me.
I understood the life giving vitality that comes from true, divine order.
I am in no way saying that a woman shouldn’t work, and I’m definitely not saying that a woman shouldn’t create. NO WAY.
The Proverbs 31 women herself was, excuse my language here, a badass.
Proverbs 31:16 (NIV)
” She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.”
These words show her resourcefulness and enterprising spirit.
Proverbs 31:28 (NIV)
”Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”
These words show her love of her family and their love for her.
Proverbs 31:10-12 (NIV)
”A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”
Her life was ordered.
Her home and family came first.
Her home and family did not come last.
Her children and home were the source of her vitality and purpose, not their antagonist.
We do not have to stop working, stop creating, and all start wearing aprons (although aprons rock) in order to live more biologically.
We can gently (or more swiftly, depending on you!), address dynamics in our marriage, home and life that might be lacking order and leaking vitality.
We can, depending on our circumstance, become even more devoted at home and less devoted to ‘becoming a someone’ while our children are so little and dependent on us — because the biological truth is, they are. We are meant to be together with them and there is no escaping this biological truth.
We can become more skilful at cooking and home making (even just little skills), because there is a fulfilment that comes from a well ordered home that is God ordained.
We can put the phone down and make light a priority just as we make food.
We can make more of an effort for community because women biologically needs this. I’m starting a family playgroup at my house this year for this reason.
We can practice little things like, letting our husbands make decisions, rather than feeling like NOBODY can do anything as well as we can (hyper independent older daughter things).
We can prioritise order in our home and creative life— no matter whether you work away from the home, create at home or whatever— build more order and beauty into your schedule.
We can maybe do things that are big… like take another year at home with your kids if you can afford it. Decide against daycare and reorient your life in that way— if it has been deeply pulling at you.
Look, all I’m saying is this…. nobody ever told me what kind of joy I’d feel by simply feeding my children nourishing home cooked meals, or making my home orderly. Nobody ever told us the kind of fulfilment that lives here. We thought it was all in Forbes lists and best selling books but in my experience, the absolute pinnacle of fulfilment has been found in creating life giving home for those I love.
I say this is an A type, eldest daughter, over-achiever, hyper-independent who, even just 8 years ago would have cringed at the contents of this entry.
What I care most about is truth— God’s design, nature, order. Which is why my curiosity and explorations often lead me to place that challenge me initially, but then bring immense relief and peace.
says that “Femininity is the essence of what a woman is when she is not raging against the fact that she is a woman.”Now, a little note to finish looping back to where we started (my Mum’s here helping and I can hear Figgy trying to corner the kitten in the laundry- loudly).
Biohacking is OUT now girls.
Hormones are not to be treated like a game of MATH, but a game of DESIGN.
You are a woman. How can you live more beautifully? More womanly? Pray to God about the answers to this. You and He will go further together than I can go for you from afar.
BEAUTY is a superfood for woman.
Even the butter dish you use everyday.
Get one at an op shop if you’re low on money.
Beauty is not exclusively for the rich.
It’s true that money can’t buy taste. Some of my friends with the least amounts of money have the more beautiful, curated homes (or even caravans).
A loving reminder:
You can’t out-supplement, out red-light, out-protein the the ways in which you compete with what is bio-logical.
We can’t live and work like men and then lie on a PEMF mat and think that will help us evade the consequences.
We’ve got to learn the correct biological order of a women’s life (family and home) and make that the basis of our vitality to whatever degree we can with our life’s circumstances.
You might have perfected your diet, your workout, your supps, and even lowered your toxic load which is super (go us!!) but the missing piece is the biggest...
Live like a woman.
Nurture like a woman.
Beautify like a woman.
Rest like a woman.
Eat like a woman.
Create like a woman.
Commune like a woman.
Soften like a woman.
Prioritise like a woman.
Pray like a woman.
Restore like a woman.
Love like a woman.
There will be many more of these conversations to come.
Love PK XX
Circadian biology is my area of focus, and I can't tell you enough how excited I was to read this! When I talk about "light diet" I often get eye rolls or complete dismissal, but your words (that I trust so much) gave me hope. Cheers to biological living!
Perfection bravo I will be reading this many times