Vitality is the difference between....
Vitality is the difference between…..
‘Ok, 5 more pushes on the swing’ and
‘Hey kids, you wanna play a game and pretend you’re flying through the sky?’.
It’s the difference between ‘Oh you drew that, wowwwww!’ And
getting on your knees, looking your kids in the eye and asking them about their creation.
It seems subtle, but it’s two completely different lives.
I’ve stood at the swing like a robot, wishing away time so I can race home and have a strong cacao to jolt me into life.
I’ve also, like today, stood at the swing not just with presence, but with surplus to give. Not just wanting to ‘be there’, but with the capacity inside of my body to REALLY be there.
Vitality is the degree to which we can be with what is most important to us, not just with physical presence but with the best of our life force.
The women of our generation are right to rebel against diet culture, but never ever let it be at the mercy of our vitality.
We can live an unrestricted life where everything is on the menu, while also still telling the truth about whether or not what we are doing is serving us.
Whether it’s burned out adrenals, a nervous system wanting more attention than ever, an overburdened liver, stagnant lymph or a chronically congested digestive system…. Whatever journey your body is asking you to go on, is for the purpose of your soul, your life and all that matters to you. Take it back.
Our bodies carry the imprint of our souls. Our bodies are only ever as vibrant as what our psyche allows. Our symptoms and our freedoms within our bodies are ALWAYS in service to our most aligned life.
There is so much more to this conversation. It’s time to go beyond any and ALL forms of dogma, and even beyond the basic intuitive eating advice and into the deeper richer layers of the body, our food, our soul and our life force.
Our body is what invites us to newer, more fully expressed and free octaves in our lives.
Love PK. X
PS. Antidote 3 is my signature event, where I offer a holistic power dose across the three areas of food & body, creativity & business and healing & growth.
It will be the most beautiful way to end the year together.
Get your ticket here before the special price ends this Friday. XX