The other day I had a reading.
Sometimes I have readings just for fun and entertainment (truly) and other times because I want confirmation of the thing I already know but am not wanting to trust myself to know. Other times I have readings as a fun game of ‘how well do I trust myself’, because as we know, not everything that comes through for us is accurate. It’s a good exercise in discernment. For example, when someone says ‘You definitely should live here’ and your gut is saying ‘wrong’. It’s like that ol’ thing we used to do as kids. Remember when your mum would say ‘choose between this icecream or this icecream’. You’d pick vanilla and then you’d know, by the immediate remorse, that you actually wanted chocolate.
Sometimes we have to be presented with something, whether it be information on social media, information from a psychic, to experience how it feels inside when we try it on as truth.