Recently while sitting to write a new ‘about me’ for my website, I felt like I was doing something as old school as blowing on a video game to get the dust out before plugging it into my Sony Mega drive. Gosh, I thought… this just isn’t the way anymore. Even as a writer, I feel I cannot sum up in words what it is that ‘I do’, or who it is that I am. A couple of years ago, I put an illustration of me and my life on my website and had zero ‘words’. It was like ‘hey, can you feel me? If you close your eyes, can you feel me?’
When I write copy for a new offering, I always include ‘just feel it, you’ll know. I trust you.’ Do we really have any interest in offering to something who doesn’t actually want or need it? For most of us, no. We don’t want to make something as an extension of our preciousness, and then feel like we’re convincing people of how precious it is. We want to offer it with excitement, and with honour… like kids who just finished a drawing that took them hours, and even longer when considering how long it took for them to learn to hold the pencil. “Here, I made this. It is for you.”
Many people are operating in this way now. Resonance based marketing. It is less about making sure we say the right things or have the right tagline, and more about becoming more masterful at being the energy of us. This is why embodied work always travels further, and sells with a zippiness. People don’t buy based on one banger post. They buy based on what they feel when they experience you. This is why we get excited to use images that actually feel aligned. This is why design is so powerful. It can tell the tale of our energy field without words. Words can do it too. Of course. But the words can be simple, if the energy is clear.
Resonance based marketing is one where there is trust. Trust in both you and your preciousness, and trust that others own discernment will never lead them astray. When you show up to be your true essence, and enjoy creatively communicating this through the multiple ways we have available to us, you’ve done your bit. There is no charge, no force, offering your art feels freeing, exciting, peaceful and most importantly, self-honouring.
When someone offers their art, you can be rest assured they have grown into it and still art. This is life’s work. If you follow someone’s journey, you’ll often be able to see in them ‘oh, of course you’re offering that. I feel that in you so much. Go you good thing.’ The art of offering our art is such a sacred process between a person, their art and their community.
There is so much sacredness in the creative process. There is sacredness in the day to day creative fun of expressing the truth of our essence and our field. There is sacredness in what we offer that is ‘free’ and has no charge around price or money. There is sacredness in the parts that say ‘here is the most precious art of mine and to honour myself, my life’s work and this art, an exchange is required for it. This way, I’m receiving on behalf of my art, and resourcing my art, and the life it takes to create it.’ This requires no explanation, but there’s one if you need it.
My energy is always higher when I’m offering something paid. And when running a business, shouldn’t we always be offering something paid? I have been so sporadic with my offerings in the last few years because a) kids and b) natural cycles… but it will be regular, and zippy, and exciting, and peaceful now… because I reached a point where I felt I was hoarding preciousness in my body. I invest so, so much in my life’s work. It’s time to pass it on. As my friend Helen Wilkes says ‘drop the curtain’. More peace with offering your art, can be as simple as a context change. “I am dropping the curtain.”
I have also been feeling into this ‘world’ of information and energy exchange online. I have come to describe it as a ‘key lock exchange’. Our life and life experiences, gives us all different keys to our inner locks. These inner keys, can then become keys for other people’s locks. We can offer these keys in everyday interactions in real life, we can offer these keys to our kids, we can offer these keys in a 30 second reel for all to watch, we can offer these keys via our paid art, we can offer these keys just by being the expression of our wholeness.
Whether you buy my offerings or not, you are activated by my unveiling of them. I love this. I love watching people in their artistic process, especially when they are in the peace and self-honour of it. I am falling in love with the offering process because of what it does for me, but also because it’s the beautiful bit where we say ‘This is really precious in me and if it can hold a key for one of your locks, I’d like to offer it to you.’ That’s what we are doing. We’re discovering keys inside of ourselves by living our lives, we’re integrating and refining and then we’re passing it along as a key for someone else. Whether this is via art, or a service… it’s the same sacred ‘key lock’ system. Sometimes the key has a price on it, sometimes it doesn’t. But everything was paid for somewhere, and so our art shall be treated sacredly.
Adjusting the context around our creative offerings, is one thing we will expand into at the ANTIDOTE event. Can you feel how beautiful and expansive and deeply liberating this event is going to be? If you resonate with my words, I invite you to trust yourself and purchase your ticket. Then you can spend the next few weeks in the field, receiving more without thinking.
I cannot WAIT.
Lotsa love. PK XX