Monthly income targets may be killing your art.
Monthly income goals (beyond what you need) may not be your best tracker.
Producing offerings regularly may not be your sweet flow.
You may be longing to create something that takes months, years of devotion like a film, that isn’t running the same pace as many you follow.
Most business coaches want to know what you’re earning monthly, so you abandon your long term creation to make things that can bring in the juice immediately. After all, you can. You have a beautiful community, and lots of true preciousness to offer.
Sometimes, the thing that gets you producing when you don’t really want to, is the thought you’d never say out loud ‘that person is earning $X and their content is recycled and shallow, it’s nowhere near as good as mine.’ This hurts, and so you get to makin’ from these wounds and FOMO.
You know in your loins that there are many experiencing amazing financial success from a less than aligned and embodied place, and rather than observe it, it makes you leave your path of purity and try to be a part of it.
You know that your own nature, your natural art, your natural pace has your bounty. But they’re doing it so fast, so easily and they’ve been doing it for way less time than me!
This is the hook that keeps you from pure goldenness. You lose trust in YOUR way because so many are doing it THAT way.
When you unhook yourself, your energy runs clear. The dreamiest creations drop in. There is no rush. They are untouchable. Incomparable. Unrushable. You learn your own unique path to true, sustainable, creative bounty.
We are transitioning beyond what is artificial and into what is real. While that happens, the artificial gets loud. Your invitation is being able to observe without it making you deaf to what is real.
Latest zippy transmission is The Meadow (vol 1). It's here if you're called. X