Maybe you’re not tired because of…
Your adrenals, or lack of vitamin B or your munted MTHFR gene (I’ve got it).
Maybe it’s not your delicious, frothy 10am matcha that’s got to go.
Maybe you’re tired because you’re not using your gifts.
Maybe you’re tired because you’re using your energy on consuming things that are now consuming you… your vitality, your joy, your life force.
Maybe it’s time to push pause on pathologising your food and take a moment to get honest about your life— in the most loving, freeing, clarifying and life-giving way you can.
There is nothing that can tire us quite so fast, like living a life of over-consumption.
There is nothing that can tire us quite so fast, like living a life where our God-given gifts are kept hidden, unused, and consistently over-thought.
There is so much we could be doing in this life— so many shiny opportunities to explore and examine. We can be so many things, do so many things, that if we are not TRULY focussed, our entire life turns into a relentless game of decision fatigue.
Focus is the art of our time. We have each been given gifts from God, that when used, give us life. When not used, we feel it.
We may be in a season of mothering young kids— that alone is us using our God-given gifts as mothers... and yet that’s not to say that we don’t have gifts that are given to us, to be given to our community. For some mothers, motherhood alone is the work (rightly so!). For others, we’re restless because we’re meant to be writing too, creating too-- in ways that GIVE us more energy for our home. Some aren’t creating but instead seeking rest and refuge in things like lengthy social media scrolls— yet this time and energy could be used on something life sustaining, creative, energising.
We get to take our focus back.
We get to be the ones who don’t get sucked in by the very intelligent ploys to drain us of our LIFE by being too-good-to-refuse-distractions. We get to refuse the distractions. We get to turn the other way.
We get to audit our lives, where our focus and energy goes and then decide that it is WORTH the discipline it takes to course correct.
I am a wellbeing nerd. I just completed my third liver flush this week. I love to get into all of the crevices of my own wellbeing, vitality with regards to my eating and lifestyle. What I know to be true though, is sometimes I am blaming a period of low energy on things that are not to blame… I may think I am tired from mothering, meanwhile, I’m scrolling my phone for an hour before bed— staring straight into bluelight before I close my eyes. Meanwhile, I’m spending more time observing others lives, than I am on using my own gifts and time in the ways which are right by my family, my community and by God.
We cannot complain of tiredness when we are staring into a screen for hours a day unnecessarily— mindlessly viewing other people’s lives unnecessarily— That is on us.
Sometimes, God has to shake us of our complacency and distraction… sometimes, that’s what our tiredness is.
If you’re living a truly focussed, honest life using your gifts and time in the way that is RIGHT for you— your matcha in the morning ain’t gonna hit the sides, the sandwich you have in the afternoon ain’t enough to slow your energy. GET THIS. The power of living a FOCUSSED and CLEAR life…. is MORE powerful to our wellbeing than the fiddly little things you’re giving all the power too.
Yes, food matters, A LOT— this is why I am so big on lifestyle and cleansing, because sometimes our livers and entire systems are so burdened that we just cannot access any kind of clarity. Sometimes, we need to cleanse in order to SEE! But also... sometimes we just need to care enough about our lives and those in it that we stop doing things that are quite simply-- wasting our time, our energy and our LIVES.
We need the full 360 approach. Let’s bring back into the health conversation, the importance of how we are living our life, honouring our life and using our gifts and our time.
This is Body Luxury. I recorded a 40 minute podcast style episode today for paid subscribers diving into this and more. Also stay tuned next week for some good news for those wanting to become paid subscribers!
Have a beautiful week. PK XX