Today I bought two new properties.
Both are a part of the Fra Aero vision- heaven on earth in brick and mortar, everyday.
One property is on 6 acres, and is to be the first hub… a sanctuary for families.
One property is a lush bush house made from sustainable local materials, bought from a beautiful Steiner teacher.
It has been a long time coming… 7 years (and lifetimes before IYKYK).
In May 2016 I was a bees dick away from buying a property in Old Town Scottsdale, when we were living there. The offer was in, and then I pulled it out at the very last minute. You can imagine the Texan Real Estate agent's response when I told him that ‘intuitively I just couldn’t’. Not a good enough reason for him losing his commish ;)
Everywhere I have lived over the last 6 years, I have looked for a location for my hub at the same time as looking for a home. They went hand in hand for me. I have pinterest board on pinterest board as the vision has evolved with me. At times, I wondered if I was sabotaging by not just fucking doing it. But hindsight has shown me that,