I used to think that liberating myself from generational suffering meant that I should go out there and be someone. So I did it.
I used to think that paying my respects to my mum, nanna, grandmother meant that I would be so independent and successful financially that I’d never have to rely on a man. So I did it.
I used to think that honouring what they went through for me, meant really making something big of my life, something extraordinary. So I did it.
What my mum and grandmother didn’t have the opportunity to do, was to soften into motherhood with the full support of a man. So I’m doing it.
It is unfamiliar and uncomfortable and also… the greatest opportunity of my life.
More so than the time I was asked to be in a documentary with Tony Robbins.
More so than the time I was featured in Inc Magazine top 10 Women changing the world.
More so than being a best seller.
More so than becoming anything noteworthy.
Way more.
Love PK. X
*More stories and marrow in paid subscription
So much yes ... so much unequivocal YES
Is it uncomfortable because you find it hard to do, you think it is hard to do, or you feel guilty about not being in the struggle too?