Celebrating longevity and elegance. X
Hey beauty,
I’ve been reflecting lots on the longevity of my work recently. Especially with the release of my latest creation.
It’s bizarre that on calls I’m saying things like “6 years ago when we did The New Way Live” and ….
“10 years ago when I’d have 300 people in a room, looking them in the eyes asking what their ideal day looked like” and ….
“7 years ago in The Supercharged where I taught on The New Way EVERY SINGLE DAY” and “5 years ago when I wrote Earth Is Hiring” and ….
I’ve been in this work for a decade. Different flavours, but this communities roots began in 2012.
Gosh, I feel so grounded and confident when I look back at it all…. All the work I’ve done, all the ways I’ve evolved, all the lessons I’ve learned.
In an age where every woman and their dog know the secrets of quantum leaping, where ‘collapsing timelines’ is to 2022 what ‘manifesting your desires’ was to 2012…. There is majesty in longevity.
When we’re teenagers, we think our parents know nothing, old people have nothing to teach us and the only people with anything worthy to offer are the cool kids.
As we mature, we realise how wise the older generations are, how much we treasure their experience, how absolutely sacred it is to receive love and gold from their hard won wisdom.
Sure, we can do things faster now.
We can learn things and integrate them at God Speed.
This is all beautiful…. And also, nothing will ever replace the fruits of longevity.
I’ve seen numerous women I love and respect recently celebrating their 10+ years in their work. I read and bow, with such a deep respect for all its taken for them to become this refined.
I honour that in myself too.
I honour myself for my first million dollar year back in 2014 at the age of 25.
I honour all I learned as a young woman with abundant resources, meanwhile innocently maturing in the world of business (and life!!)
I honour myself for investing religiously in aligned mentors for 9 years now (and not aligned ones so I could learn the difference).
I honour the 23 year old me who’d sit under the tree near the home I grew up in and do energy work on myself and my business for hours with my ‘energy coach’ in 2013.
I honour myself for all the shit hires I made, and the great ones.
I honour myself for the emails I sent from emotion. The ones I definitely wouldn’t send now.
I honour myself for the times I spoke authentically from my soul and also the time my ego had the mic.
I honour myself for the time I lost $50k on a contractor who ghosted me, and also the me who took responsibility for the lack of good communication on my part and the way I placed too much trust in an employee.
I honour myself for the me who did bouncy personal growth videos that make me cringe (a little. Some of the messages were bloody good) when I look back at them.
I honour myself for the way I taught conscious money all those years ago as a very young woman, when the conversation was so fresh and new.
I honour myself for all the times I lead when it was scary, all the times I made art when I wasn’t sure it was good, all the times I did big things with all the confidence in the world and also all the times I second guessed myself into a hole.
It’s beautiful to take a pause from all the quantum leaping collapsing timelines and sit at the reverence of a very real journey of experience.
I am innocently learning, and wisely refining at the same time.
I intended to write to you today about House Of Heaven. After all, the special price ends tmoro and I wanna make sure you know.
But, I’ve learned a lot over these years.
Today, I woke feeling a bit lymphy. Pax slept 9 hours (longest stretch EVER! Woohoo!!!) and my left boob was confused. I lay awake rubbing her so she didn’t become engorged and I could feel a little red spot. ‘Uh oh’, I thought. I have gone SO LONG without any hints at Mastitis. I know the drill though, this has nothing to do with ‘the engorgement’ and everything to do with energy.
All physical symptoms are energetic. All of them. How can they not be?!
So I woke, I started to move my body as I usually do, I heard a ‘No.’ I stopped, came inside and had a shower. There were no questions asked. I’ve learned, not to ignore this precise and subtle communication.
But while hearing her majestically clear instruction, I could also hear a pained part of me say “Well, what will you eat today if you don’t move? Your period is coming in a few days and you know you won’t want to move much then so you should just move. Maybe movement will circulate the lymph….”
You may have a familiar part inside of you.
I listened to her also. After all, it’s all she wants. She wants to know that I am protected from the PAIN of what could possibly happen if I fully trusted my body instead of trying to control her and my life.
So many parts of us, want to protect us.
They love us, THAT much, that they NEVER take a day off in their endeavour.
The protector that says:
“Go on, eat more. You’re full, but the lightness and space you’ll feel may be too much for you.”
“Work. I know you’re tired but work. Who will you be and what will your life mean if you rest? No one will buy your work. It’s too scary to think about life when you’re not forcing. Please, work.”
“Oooh, space in the day. Go and eat. You’ve had the best day today, what if something bad is coming later? Eat. Burden your body a little. It’ll protect you.”
“I know your back is sore and your knees hurt but persist with this workout. I don’t trust that you can look how you want to look unless your workout is punishing.”
Actually, I don’t trust your life to go your way at all, if you’re not suffering. Much better to buffer it all with some overburden, some overwhelm, some overeating, some overworking, some overthinking, some over-worrying, some over-packing, some over-hoarding…. We want to PAD YOU with protection wherever we can.
The protectors (there are many) are terrified of our heights.
They’re terrified of it being better.
Not because they don’t love us and want us to fly, but because they do love us, and they don’t want us to be in pain.
They’ve learned through all the times we’ve been in pain, that there is a precise way to protect from it.
Suffer, then it won’t hurt as much.
Make it hard, then others won’t assume wrong things about how good a person you are.
Burden yourself, then you won’t have the capacity to go after what you want and get hurt by the potential of it not working.
Over-burden yourself, with food, with commitment, with obligation….. because it is terrifying, the thought of who you are when you are free.
So after my shower, I took my daughter to her class and my boy to a play date with his little frother mate Rimi.
I had a slow, beautiful matcha with one of my best friends and we sat under a tree while our two year olds face planted a thousand times over at the skate park.
I intuitively scrapped my ‘2-3 hour’ work day that I typically do on Wednesday in the middle of the day.
I could hear a voice “If you don’t post that reel about House of Heaven, people won’t know that the special price ends tmoro!”
Deeper wisdom said “You really think you need to choose between rest and a beautiful launch?”
No, I don’t.
When I decided to offer House of Heaven at THIS time, when I know we are preparing to return overseas, I knew that the mode had to be different.
I knew that this would be a ‘drop the curtain’ offering. I’d have the most fun EVER with writing, celebrating, making content, and I’d let it be as natural as this content will be for me to deliver.
I won’t change a single one of my solo dates with my kids, or the big morning I take them to the library, or playgroup.
Once upon a time I drew a direct correlation between stress + success of a launch… between time spent + success of a launch… between loudness on social media + success of a launch.
Now I draw a new line.
My restfulness charges my work up.
Tending to my truest desires magnetises my offerings.
Honouring myself 1000x more than ever, is how others know they can trust me.
My creative work is as natural to me as breathing and I have earned (and chosen) the elegance in which I operate.
The better it gets for me, the better it gets for everyone who touches my work.
My work is priceless, and my worth as a human is immeasurable.
There is nothing for me to prove, justify, defend, explain…. Only life to live, art to make, and the beautiful ongoing refinement of the way I share it with my community.
I can trust my body
I can trust my art
I can trust my life’s work
I can trust my intuition
And I can trust you, my community.
House Of Heaven special price is available until 7pm AWST tomorrow.
Then it goes up from $1555 USD to $1999 USD.
I trust you, and whether your body is telling you there are keys for you here.
I also trust your resourcefulness and am holding that reminder of it for you.
By trusting you, I can rest. By me resting, you can trust me too.