A woman’s life force was never meant to go on obsessing over food, body size, or endlessly touring the wellbeing trends.
We are not ambassadors for Mother Nature, if we are not ambassadors for our own Nature.
We are conflicted and tired when we want to serve Gaia but meanwhile we secretly still believe our power is in the gap between our thighs or the success of our recent sugar ban.
We live patterns of restriction, obsession, denial and pathologising our most holy desires so we can post photos on Instagram that keep up the illusion that if we are tiny then we are good.
We loop the newest wellness trends, addicted to the thrill of what a new supplement, coach or method can do for us…. Meanwhile we know that it’s a merry go round and we’re buying daily tickets with the energy that’s meant to create worlds (and enjoy gelato).
What we do to ourselves, we do to the Earth. We are the same body. Protest, recycle yeh woo! But the degree of your reclamation as a woman is your true service to this planet. This is what we get to mature into and integrate now.
The Gaia inside of us wants us to live beyond the skinny wellbeing obsessed girl and into the whole, reclaimed woman who is fed and free to use her life force on living her life as it’s meant to be lived.
Body Luxury is a world born from my own reclamation. It’s a way of life that lives beyond wellbeing and body positivity. It is reclamation of Nature and living the truth of how good it’s meant to be. Soon, doors will open for women to walk alongside me in this way. In the meantime, become a paid subscriber to the Pk diaries to soak in honey. X