I have birthed two big babies
at home smoothly
and yet
I am not a birthing ‘goddess’.
I am an ordinary woman
with an extraordinary creator
and I get to participate
in His creation for the
third time soon,
and all praise
and all glory
goes up
not worshipping
or an impersonal intelligence
as if in all of its
astounding beauty,
it just created itself.
I used to worship
the creation
while being too
arrogant to worship
the creator
but not now
not this time
not ever again.
I am not a birthing ‘goddess’,
I am an ordinary woman
with an extraordinary creator.
How is my third birth
prep different,
everyone asks…
in the right direction.
Pk xx
Beautiful 🙏🏽🌟❤️
To your growing faith and tummy ❤️
Sending you so much Love Peta from a sacred spot in Jemez Springs, NM.