But first, creative projects.
I’m trying to tame this surplus of creative energy into something civilised and tangible, otherwise it feels like I’m one of these:
Until baby comes, I’m taking a couple of hours every afternoon (alongside my squatty, boppy workout) to have some real fun creatively. Fun as in, be creatively productive without so much thought.
Maybe I return to one of the many books I have almost ready for publication, and get over the voice inside that says that they’re old news already.
This is my toxic trait— Producing large bodies of work and then putting them in a dusty box, very prematurely.
I have The Mother Summer book parts 1 and 2 sitting, fully edited, gathering dust.
I have a plethora of Body Luxury content from the much loved course I ran on the content, sitting there gathering dust.
I have a mixture of all of it in my most recently structured book, sitting there, gathering dust.
I have my Confetti content chomping to be turned into a book, sitting there, gathering dust.
I have a new kids book, gorgeously illustrated, two copies FULLY PRINTED in my hot little hands that I have not yet printed in bulk to sell.
Somebody, help!
So this week, I’m sorting my shiz out creatively. I’m lining up allllll my options with regards to creative pursuits (books, podcast, products and otherwise) and making a plan— one that factors in my reality of having nearly 3 kids at home with me full time. I’m determined to be productive with this precious (and ferocious) creative energy, and not drown in it.
I’m longing for a more dynamic output than writing (although, I’ll still write). I’ve toyed with a new poddy for a while now. I can do one on my own as I have no trouble speaking (and speaking and speaking), but…. I kinda long for a podcast partner who can jam with me. I don’t want to interview people, but I do want to bounce. Vibrantly. Have fun.
On a lighter note here are some things I am loving right now— nothing too deep (we’ll see how that goes).
To practice.
Morning Pages.
Aside from daily movement and prayer-- this has become a non-negotiable.
I used to be a morning pages devotee. I used to tell everyone I met about how good this practice was at unblocking and unlocking creativity and clarity. As we know though, there are seasons where things shift in priority and, I stopped them. All good. If you’re not familiar with The Morning Pages— check out Julia Cameron’s classic, The Artist’s Way. It’s an oldie, but a real goodie. Although I’m almost certain you already know, I’ll briefly explain anyway. Essentially The Morning Pages is a practice by which you wake up, and the first thing you do, before you wee, brush your teeth, get up to make the kids breakfast, is…. Write. By hand. This is important. You write three full pages of absolutely whatever (don't cheap by getting a little cafe notebook). It can be the most nonsense embarrassing dribble pouring from your head or it can be stunning poetry. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you clear yourself of your gunk, and let your creativity (and also clarity) flow freely. I do it even when it’s still dark in my room, even when one of my kids wakes up beside me, even as my son climbs above me trying to open the blinds. You don’t need a candle, a perfect sunrise, or an insta worthy ritual— you just just need to write. This is not just for writers. It’s for everyone.
To beautify.
I am one of those people who sticks to a good thing once I find it. My favourite cafe. My favourite probiotic. My favourite toothbrush (that is due for an upgrade but can only be bought in Italy and so…).
You may have heard me talk about the skin food I have been using for nearly two years now. Well, I’m still devoted. I just absolutely freaking love it. It feels like I’m putting a posse of the VIP’s of the plant kingdom on my face with the kind of potency I want now that I’m… 35. For me, it feels like an investment. Especially in a season where I’m not doing any fancy treatments other than a rare facial here and there and a natural-at-home face mask every week ish. My skin is so healthy firstly because of my lifestyle (props!) but also because I'm topically feeding it food that heals and detoxes, and not just temporarily improves. I’m not without wrinkles, pigment etc because it's not my goal to have a motionless face-- I will age as I age. But I also believe that our bodies want and deserve vitality and beauty. There is a balance between over-obsessing, and neglect. That balance is an appreciation for what God has given us and a knowing that we really do feel better, and a desire to live vibrantly and beautifully while we are here. I wrote a longer piece about this beautiful plant collection last year— it’s here if you want to read. Otherwise, this is a speedy link to my favourite skincare. If you want 20% off (which you will— quality ain’t cheap), use code petajean.
I use :
— The soap nightly.
— The serum 3 twice daily (I worked my way up from the serum 1. The skin takes time to adjust to the potency. Expect tingles that feel so good).
— The cream for day time. Edible SPF. Say less.
(I also use an Australian tallow butter before bed).
To eat.
I’m still in winter but because it’s been such a long one, I’m longing for more summery foods. Salads, fruits etc. If you’ve followed my journey you’d know that I am a long time advocate for eating beautifully which is a blend of intuitively eating, some structured discipline like intentional cleansing, and understanding food and diet from an emotional and spiritual perspective too (This is an element of Body Luxury).
On that journey, I’ve learned that eating sweet/cold foods when it’s still cold and wet seasonally, can cause damp in the liver. Sometimes we want to because insert logic here but it's not the right time/place/environment. On that note: Aren't we just so food privileged? My nanna lived through a depression and ration coupons. A convo for another entry.
Soon, we go on a little trip to the tropics, where I’ll gladly munch on papaya and mango smoothies. But while it’s cold, I’m still eating mostly warming foods.
A part of eating in pregnancy for me is nostalgia. I find myself wanting foods I loved as a child. It's a carefree and intuitive balance between eating the most nourishing foods for me and baby, but also allowing some harmless comforts that offer emotional support. Food isn’t only a nutritional and energetic offering to our bodies.
So: Vegemite and avocado toast. I've been eating it since I was 6 months old. I know Americans think they invented it because they're in their smashed avo era, but sorry.... Avocado toast comes from down under. So does the world's best coffee.
Back to my nostalgic heaven.
This is all time for me. My neighbour bakes gluten free sourdough and delivers it warm to our place (I know, jackpot). This, toasted, with ghee, Vegemite and avocado, sprinkled with pepper, salt and dulse flakes (for iodine- can’t help myself).. sometimes with a squiggle of sriracha sauce -- try it.
To read.
My bedside table (I won’t even say table— it’s a stack on the floor) is a mix of books about God, motherhood, advanced nutrition and 1900’s English Literature.
I recently read Jane Eyre because I love to time travel back to when it was simpler, people were less offended, people were more direct. I love that women would say to each other things like ‘Oh no Mildred, you couldn’t possibly wear that bonnet, your face is too fat' to which Mildred would reply 'You are right, it is far too round. Pass me the scarf instead.'
No offence taken. Pure truth. Refreshing.
I love reading the use of words like ‘ignoramus’ and terms that aren’t in use anymore, but transport me to the simple days of carriages and horseback riding through English towns. I love how hearty and resilient people were back then-- hopping on their horse to ride 20 miles in the middle of the English winter because they had to deliver a letter. It soothes me to be reminded of the human character in this way, to remember humanity in this way.
I'm also loving God In The Dock by C.S. Lewis.
I have about 12 on the go right now with 3 more on the way so for the sake of simplicity, I'll leave it there.
To remember.
Promised I wouldn't get deep but for me, leaving depth out is like leaving the salt off vegemite and avo toast.
Our local Pastor said the other day, while holding a spray bottle of water and spraying it once— Your life is a mist. We are here for such a short time in comparison to eternity. He asked us to ’wake up and have precision— to put what we love the most, ahead of what we simply love. Look. I started my career by standing on stage in front of hundreds, and then thousands, and then tens of thousands and asking questions like ‘what excites you?’. It has always been at the core of my Godly purpose to cut straight to the heart of it and help others (and myself) remember what life is all about. When he brought up this question, my whole body jumped. It’s the language of my soul. Cut to it. Right to it.
I haven’t been on instagram for a long time, and so lately I’ve been indulging in all of the freaking HILARIOUS creators who make reels so accurate in their observational comedy, I’ve been wetting myself (only half exaggerating). I can over indulge. Especially late at night.
While this is occasionally ok, and while comedy is important to me (very)… our tiny little mist of a life is made up of what we do in our days. Our indulgences need to know their limits.
I want my mist to be lived with precision.
A dear friend of mine had a car accident last week and said she felt like she got a second chance at life. I feel everyone who knows her felt that way too.
God is the one who decides to wake us up each morning and give us another day. God will decide when our heart will stop and we never know when that will be. The biggest lie we're fed is that we have loads of time. If God has decided that today is ours to live, then we need to use that to live…. with precision.
Lotsa love, PK XX
Thank you Peta, absolutely loved reading this. I grew up with avo and vegemite on toast as well......my Dad grew avocados. x
Thank you for the precious reminder to live ✨